I am quite certain that Archaeology will be my major time sink come Cata. In preparation for its release (and my potential bid for Server First to 525), I've been keeping notes and am providing them to fellow artifact junkies.
Please note this is from an 80 Alliance perspective; phasing may be different and most flight points certainly are. (*) means this is something I've heard secondhand and have not yet verified.
I do *not* know if Heirlooms will work for 80-81; I have not yet tried.
Fragment XP
Level | Base | Rested | Heirloom | Both |
80 | | 11000 | | |
81 | 6950 | 13900 | | |
Training Milestones
Level | Information |
1 | 2 fragments per survey
Dwarf, Elf, Troll, and Fossil Artifacts can be solved |
75 | 3 fragments per survey |
100 | Gathering fragments no longer gives skill-ups |
150 | Journeyman in Archaeology achievement |
300 | Orc and Draenei Artifacts can be solved (*) |
375 | Vrykul and Nerubian Artifacts can be solved (*) |
525 | Tol'Vir Artifacts can be solved (*) |
Dig Sites
Location | Type | Closest Flight Point |
Ashenvale |
Zoram Strand | Night Elf | Blackfathom Camp |
Forest Song | Night Elf | Forest Song |
Ruins of Ordil'Aran | Night Elf | Blackfathom Camp |
Mount Hyjal |
Ruins of Lar'donir | Night Elf | Nordrassil |
Shrine of Goldrinn | Night Elf | Nordrassil |
Grove of Aessina | Night Elf | Wildheart Point |
Scorched Plain | | Nordrassil |
Tanaris |
Eastmoon Ruins | Troll | Southmoon Ruins |
Dunemaul | Fossil | Southmoon Ruins |
Abyssal Sands | Fossil | Gadgetzan |
Southmoon Ruins | Troll | Southmoon Ruins |
Zul'Farrak Ruins | Troll | Gadgetzan |
Broken Pillar | Troll | Gadgetzan |
Uldum |
Khartut's Tomb | Tol'vir | Ramkahen |
Ruins of Khintaset | Tol'vir | Ramkahen |
Temple of Uldum | Tol'vir | Ramkahen |
Ruins of Ammon | | Ramkahen |
Un'Goro |
Upper Lakkari Tar Pits | Fossil | Mossy Pile |
The Screaming Reaches | Fossil | Mossy Pile |
Terror Run | Fossil | Marshal's Stand |
Desolace |
Valley of Bones | Fossil | Dreamer's Rest |
Slitherblade Shore | Night Elf | Ethel Rethor |
Mannoroc Coven | Night Elf | Thargad's Camp |
Sargeron | Night Elf | Thunk's Abode |
Kodo Graveyard | Fossil | Thargad's Camp |
Azshara |
Ruins of Eldarath | Night Elf | Forest's Song |
Ruins of Arkkoran | Night Elf | Forest's Song |
Felwood |
Jadenar | Night Elf | Wildheart Point |
Ironwood | Night Elf | Whisperwind Grove |
Winterspring |
Frostwhisper Gorge | Night Elf | Nordrassil |
Lake Kel'Theril | Night Elf | Everlook |
Owl Wing Thicket | Night Elf | Nordrassil |
Feralas |
Solarsal | Night Elf | Feathermoon Stronghold |
Darkmist | Night Elf | Tower of Estulan |
South Isildien | | Tower of Estulan |
Ravenwind | Night Elf | Dreamer's Rest |
Southern Barrens |
Bael Modan | Dwarf | Fort Triumph |
Dustwallow Marsh |
Quagmire | Fossil | Mudsprocket |
Wyrmbog | Fossil | Mudsprocket |
Stonetalon Mountains |
Uneathed Grounds | Fossil | Northwatch Expedition Base Camp |
Stonetalon Peak | | Thal'Darah Overlook |
Darkshore |
Nazj'vel | Night Elf | Blackfathom Camp |
Silithus |
Southwind Village | | Cenarion Hold |
Eastern Kingdoms
Location | Type | Closest Flight Point |
Hinterlands |
Aerie Peak | Dwarf | Aerie Peak |
Jintha'Alor | Troll | Stormfeather Outpost |
Swamp of Sorrows | | |
Misty Reed Post | Fossil | Nethergarde Keep |
Blasted Lands | | |
Dreadmaul Fossil Field | Fossil | Nethergarde Keep |
The Cape of Stranglethorn | | |
Nek'mani Wellspring | Troll | Explorers' League Digsite |
Burning Steppes | | |
Ruins of Thaurissan | Dwarf | Chiselgrip |
Darkshore | | |
Vul'Gol Fossil Bank | Fossil | Rebel Camp |
Vash'kir | | |
Quel'Dormir Gardens | | |
Twilight Highlands | | |
Grim Batol | | |
Western Plaguelands | | |
Felstone Field | Fossil | Chillwind Camp |
Badlands |
Ulduman Entrance Digsite | | |
Searing Gorge |
Grimsilte Worksite | | |
Location | Type | Closest Flight Point |
Borean Tundra |
Talramas | Nerubian | Fizzcrank Airstrip |
Icecrown |
Njorndar Village Digsite | Vrykul | Zim'Torga |
Dragonblight |
Pit of Narjun | Nerubian | Stars' Rest |
Moonrest Gardens Digsite | | Stars' Rest |
Storm Peaks |
Sifreldar Village | Vrykul | K3 |
Zul'Drak |
Zol'Heb | Troll | The Argent Stand |
Altar of Sseratus | Troll | The Argent Stand |
Grizzly Hills |
Voldrune | Vrykul | Amberpine Lodge |
Howling Fjord |
Halgrind | Vrykul | Valgarde |
Wyrmskull | Vrykul | Valgarde |